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Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Here are some of the guidelines we use to approve images:
  • Images must be a minimum size of 1680x1024
  • Please do not upload NSFW images (scantily clad ladies, suggestive images... etc)
  • Please do not upload images with watermarks (logo overlays... etc)
  • Please do not upload images that have been stretched
  • Please do not upload images that have been stitched together
  • Please do not upload images that have been mirrored
  • Please do not upload images of people (celebrities, athletes, models... etc) unless they aren't the main focus of the image
  • Please do not take images from other wallpaper sites
  • Use only images that are your own, creative commons, share-alike or licensed for sharing
  • If an image requires attribution (ex: creative commons), please provide the source URL

We also take into consideration the quality of the image, which is a very subjective thing. If we reject an image and you're not sure why, please contact us and we'd be happy to reconsider it. :)
Apr 11, 2013 (modified Jun 3, 2020)  • #1
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