I submitted A photo ( D Coy on Parade Malaya 1963) ,was accepted & placed on as a puzzle. When I sign in to do the latest puzzles It dose not appear.Could someone please explain how to retrive this puzzle
It should be showing up now. Please let us know if not.
No it has not come up;it appears in my profile & all other areas except when I go in to attempt a puzzle
Thanks for your efforts Keith
That's really strange! What type of device are you running JigsawMania on?
It is a Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6
Ok, when I look, that image is on the second page. Have you already paged over to the next set of images?
Still no show have gone back 10 pages to no avail. Have not had this problem with past submissions
Yeah, that's really strange! Do you have the option enable for hiding completed puzzles? Just wondering if it thinks it's completed for some reason.
Yes but it was not there. Should i re-submitt & see what result i get?
Nah that shouldn't be the issue, as it's showing up in mine on Android. Do you have another device that you could install JigsawMania Free on and see if it shows up there?
On the top-left of the JigsawMania menu, does it show "Search: Newest Images" or something else?
Under IMAGES the following appears -search,Most Popular Images,Newest Images,Single-Monitor Images, Duel-Moniter Images,Tripple Moniter Images ,Quad- Moniter Images. ON selecting Newest Images the puzzle in question appears along with the rest of the newest.there is a search box on the righthand side with just search
Sorry, I mean in the JigsawMania game itself. I've attached a screenshot below.
My puzzles come up as attached below. Have downloaded JigsawMania but still comes up in this form
• Attachment [protected]: gWf52VQDSyKCX+1b+e%qYg.jpg [1,974,586 bytes]
My puzzles come up as attached below. Have downloaded JigsawMania but still comes up in this form
• Attachment [protected]: gWf52VQDSyKCX+1b+e%qYg.jpg [1,974,586 bytes]
Ah yep, thanks for the screenshot! Could you tap the text that says "Newest" at the top-middle, above the images? That should sort them in the order you see on the website. The image you're looking for should be on the second or third page when sorting by newest.
That is what I do every day to no avail Have gone back 10 pages no sign of it.It appears on every pape in the website, on my profile etc but not within the pages I attached
How about if you star it (mark it as favourite) on the website, then click the My Favs link in the game?
Have done that , on my profile It appears with Marked As Favourite but dose not show up when I enter my favs .
Ok, I'm completely stumped! Would you like me to delete the image so that you can try re-submitting it?
yes Keith lets give it a go
Ok, we've deleted the image. Please let me know when you've re-submitted it.
Has been re-submitted,got my fingers crossed Keith
Ok, it's been published and is the newest image on the site. Could you try now?
NO GO, same result as before shows up every page except in NEWEST
When you tap Newest in the game, do the other new images show up?
I'm completely stumped here. I will check into a couple more things, and if we're able to figure out why it's not showing up for you, we'll keep you posted.
Thanks Keith appreciate your efforts
Ok, this should be all fixed up! Please let me know if you still don't see it.
Well done Keith it's there,thank you very much