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Matriculated Phoenix
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Matriculated Phoenix

Machination of a Binary Bedlam. This creation is inspired by my favorite series 'The Matrix'.
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Original Image: 15360 x 2880


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RowdyPants' profile on
Hi Chilano,
Thanks very much! I'm happy to send em over. Write me at Some of the designs like square stair and pneuma can be achieved by zooming way into your projects and finding cool patterns. Symmetry in Amberlight is a bit tricky. Sometimes I just manually move the control handles as close as I can to being mirrored. I might have one object in the middle with one on the left and one on the right and I just slowly try to balance the left and right particle fields distance/size/strength/etc. to get a somewhat symmetrical result. It's usually not perfect and actually rather noticeable (lime light, guardian). Exact symmetry can be created but only ever with exactly two fields. This matriculated phoenix, for example, was made by meticulously adjusting only two fields so it is perfectly symmetrical. I usually then output to other programs for extra tinkering (PIxelmator/Affinity Designer/Mischief/Apple Motion)
Chilano's profile on
Chilano says:
Hi! I´m very pleased by your amberlight artwork. I´m also experimenting, but couldn´t get yet behind the structure how to generate symetric images like your "pneuma". Mostly i appreciate your works "celestial river", "soft pastel wave", "surge" and "square stair". Could it be possbile that you would send me the *.amb files of them? I would be very pleased. Many thx!!
MAUREEN GLEESON's profile on
Great colors
DLJunkie's profile on
DLJunkie says:
Made an excellent puzzle too! Cheer!
DLJunkie's profile on
DLJunkie says:
Great job! Looks great!
RowdyPants' profile on
I originally created this piece at triple true 16k (3x16,000x9,000 or 48,000x9,000) pixels. If you need a larger size than 3x 5k for your custom setup let me know and I can get it you.
This is a recolor and enhancement of my 'Rising Phoenix' art. Hope you love it!
Published:February 13, 2015
Monitors:4 monitors4 monitors4 monitors4 monitors
Rating: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
(40 ratings)
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Favourite: Add to favourites
RowdyPants' profile on
RowdyPants' profile on

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