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Minimal Skyrim Wallpaper
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Minimal Skyrim Wallpaper

Surround wallpaper of a minimalistic image of a character from Skyrim fighting a dragon.
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  • Use a different image on each monitor or span one image scross all monitors
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Original Image: 11520 x 2160


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iPhone 4S with Retina (iOS 7+)

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Facebook Cover Photo (851x315)Cover Photo

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biosmanager's profile on
@DLJunkie lol, never saw that :D must be part of the original texture
RowdyPants' profile on
Very cool! Love the color, the composition, and I love that you made it multi monitor also. A+
DLJunkie's profile on
DLJunkie says:
Interesting background, has lots of character. I think I see a receipt in the upper right corner of each of the 3 stitched panels? Hope your credit card is not showing! :o
Nice work! Cheers!
Published:April 2, 2015
Monitors:4 monitors4 monitors4 monitors4 monitors
Rating: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
(45 ratings)
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Favourite: Add to favourites
biosmanager's profile on
biosmanager's profile on

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