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Oregon Coast
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Oregon Coast

Along the Oregon coast.
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DLJunkie's profile on
DLJunkie says:
Made a nice puzzle! Cheers!
Judith Lane's profile on
Truly beautiful.
Andree Thibault's profile on
Je ne m'y connais pas tellement en photographie, mais je trouve que c'est excellent.
michael oakes5's profile on
I appreciate the feedback. I'm only running 2 monitors myself so I didn't notice the fence would show in the 3/4 monitor setting. I will leave it as it. It took over 3 weeks for this to get posted. I will try and remember to watch for this in my future uploads. I appreciate all the comments people leave on my pictures.
DLJunkie's profile on
DLJunkie says:
Fence is a distraction. Crop needs work. Beautiful photograph! Cheers!
Published:September 4, 2014
Monitors:4 monitors4 monitors4 monitors4 monitors
Rating: 4.8 stars4.8 stars4.8 stars4.8 stars4.8 stars
(40 ratings)
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Favourite: Add to favourites
michael oakes5's profile on
michael oakes5's profile on

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