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Wavy Red Lines
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Wavy Red Lines

Part of an ongoing series of random things made from a blank canvas in Photoshop.
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Facebook Cover Photo (851x315)Cover Photo

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Original Image: 1680 x 1050

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DLJunkie's profile on
DLJunkie says:
This was an excellent puzzle! Surprised me! Cheers!
MAUREEN GLEESON's profile on
I like this
angrysquare's profile on
Hi, Kirk. This was an old piece from several years ago, as are a lot of my other works. At the time, I was making them for my own personal backgrounds, which were 1680x1050, single monitor. I'll try to make some larger stuff as it comes to me.
As for the artistic process - there really is none. I make a blank PSD, and just make layer upon layer of random filters and transformations until I decide to stop. I don't save master files, and I don't name any of the pieces.
Thanks for the feedback!
Kirk Meyer's profile on
Nice! Looks like real stained glass, great art should deserve great names ... also why not spend a second and describe a little of the artistic process that went into making the piece? If you want to add or change any thing about your posts you can click talk to Jon T (Wallpaper fusion admin) or click "report this image" below and select incorrect tittle/description and the comment will be sent to him. And if you're working in PS, why not submit a full high-res image instead of the 1680x1050 so multi-monitor users can enjoy as well? Thanks for sharing!
Published:October 17, 2014
Monitors:1 monitor
Rating: 4.3 stars4.3 stars4.3 stars4.3 stars4.3 stars
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angrysquare's profile on
angrysquare's profile on

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