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WallpaperFusion Pro Member
member since April 2015
User Image
Jan 24, 2018
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Jan 24, 2018
Marked 'Autumn Fun' as a favourite
Jan 24, 2018
Rated 'Autumn Fun'
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
Jan 24, 2018
Marked 'Forest Trail' as a favourite
Jan 24, 2018
Rated 'Forest Trail'
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
Jan 24, 2018
Marked 'Waterfront' as a favourite
Jan 24, 2018
Rated 'Waterfront'
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
Jan 24, 2018
Marked 'Icelandic Beach' as a favourite
Jan 24, 2018
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
Jan 24, 2018
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Nov 2, 2017
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Oct 18, 2017
Marked 'Crater Lake Panorama' as a favourite
Oct 18, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 18, 2017
Marked 'Dolomites, Italy' as a favourite
Oct 18, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 18, 2017
Rated 'Jury's Gap'
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 18, 2017
Marked 'Jury's Gap' as a favourite
Oct 18, 2017
Marked 'refugio Tuckett' as a favourite
Oct 18, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 18, 2017
Marked 'Oceanside, OR' as a favourite
Oct 18, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Sep 4, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Sep 4, 2017
Marked 'Space Shuttle' as a favourite
Sep 4, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Sep 4, 2017
Marked 'Dragon Ball Goku SSJ Blue in Space' as a favourite
Sep 4, 2017
Marked 'Flash' as a favourite
Sep 4, 2017
Rated 'Flash'
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Aug 7, 2017
Marked 'Mercedes Benz AMG-GT S' as a favourite
Aug 7, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Aug 7, 2017
May 30, 2017
Marked 'Barcelona' as a favourite
May 30, 2017
Rated 'Barcelona'
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
May 30, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
May 30, 2017
Marked 'Dragon Sunrise' as a favourite
May 30, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
May 30, 2017
Rated 'Dragon Rider'
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
May 30, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
May 30, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
May 30, 2017
Marked 'Steam Sale 2016 3' as a favourite
May 30, 2017
Marked 'New Zealand' as a favourite
May 30, 2017
Marked 'London Skyline' as a favourite
May 30, 2017
Marked 'Revy' as a favourite
May 30, 2017
Marked 'A Walk Along the Path' as a favourite
May 30, 2017
Marked 'Rolling Tide' as a favourite
May 30, 2017
Marked 'Somerset in Summer' as a favourite
Mar 9, 2017
Marked 'Red Leaf Lane' as a favourite
Jan 6, 2017
Commented on 'Mountain Sunrise'
"what a view!"
Jan 6, 2017
Commented on 'White Lotus'
"very nice indeed!"
Jan 6, 2017
Commented on 'Hover Dam'
"it seems to be a drone shot.. nicely done!"
Jan 6, 2017
Commented on 'Wolves in the Forest'
"very nice!"
Jan 6, 2017
Commented on 'Spooky Halloween Night'
"the best pumpkin so far!"
Jan 6, 2017
Commented on 'Waterfall'
"Nice execution of a Waterfall. Keep it up."
Jan 6, 2017
"That was surely a fantastic day. Great capture!"
User Image
Apr 7, 2015
ANG3LM4DNE55 joined WallpaperFusion.

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