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Mary Lerasle
member since August 2012
User Image
Aug 23, 2012
Created 'Dragons'
Picture of dragons at a temple in Vietnam.
Aug 23, 2012
Created 'Door Knocker'
A photo of a door knocker on Notre Dame, Paris, France.
Aug 23, 2012
Created 'Kitty'
A close-up photo of a grey cat.
Aug 23, 2012
Created 'Horses'
Horses made out of wood.
Aug 23, 2012
A photograph of a modern art fountain in Paris, France.
Aug 23, 2012
Created 'Gargoyles'
A tilt-shift photo of two Gargoyles at Notre Dame, Paris, France.
Aug 23, 2012
Created 'Buddha'
A photograph of Buddha in Vietnam.
Aug 23, 2012
Created 'Blowhole'
A picture of the oceanic blowhole in Hawaii.
Aug 23, 2012
Created 'Gargoyle'
A photograph of a Gargoyle at Notre Dame, Paris, France.
Aug 22, 2012
Created 'Waterfall'
A photograph of a waterfall in Vietnam.
Aug 22, 2012
Created 'Wave'
A photograph of a wave in Hawaii.
Aug 22, 2012
Created 'Dragon'
A photograph of a dragon made out of greenery.
Aug 22, 2012
Created 'Round Boats'
A photograph of two round fishing boats in Vietnam.
Aug 22, 2012
Created 'Riverboats'
A photograph of Riverboats in Vietnam.
Aug 22, 2012
Created 'Dragon'
A painted sculpture of a dragon from Vietnam.
Aug 22, 2012
Created 'Dragon'
A photograph of a sculpted dragon in Vietnam.
Aug 22, 2012
Created 'Temple'
A photograph of a temple surrounded by trees in Vietnam.
User Image
Aug 20, 2012
Mary Lerasle joined WallpaperFusion.

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