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member since June 2019
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Sep 9, 2020
Freemason's Hall, Bannack Ghost Town, Montana.
Aug 27, 2020
Created 'Hotel Meade 2'
Hotel Meade, Bannack Ghost Town, Montana.
Aug 26, 2020
Created 'Old Gold Dredge'
Old Gold Dredge, Montana.
Aug 25, 2020
Created 'Wagon House'
Bannack Ghost Town, Montana.
Aug 18, 2020
Freemason's Hall, Bannack Ghost Town, Montana.
Aug 18, 2020
Abandoned truck in Bannack Ghost Town, Montana.
Aug 6, 2020
Created 'Twilight Orange'
Waiting in Twilight Orange.
Aug 5, 2020
Created 'The Crossing'
Swans crossing Vancouver lake.
Jul 30, 2020
Stepping Lightly in Summer lake.
Jul 27, 2020
Created 'Swans Lake'
Swans in Vancouver lake.
Jul 27, 2020
Created 'Birds House'
Birds House in Oregon.
Jul 24, 2020
Created 'Blue Birds'
Blue Birds at dusk.
Jul 24, 2020
Up close (A Whales Tail) off the coast of Vancouver Island.
Jul 24, 2020
Created 'Above the Dam'
Cabin above Bonnaville dam, Oregon.
Jul 23, 2020
The fog rising above the desert.
Jul 23, 2020
On the edge of Saddle Mountain, Oregon.
Jul 22, 2020
Hummingbird taking a break.
Jul 14, 2020
Whale watching off the coast of Canada.
Jul 14, 2020
Home where the memories live.
Jul 13, 2020
Created 'Schools Out'
Goodnoe Hills, Washington.
Jul 13, 2020
Created 'The Rookery'
Nesting rocks off the Canadian coast.
Jul 13, 2020
Ranch in Eastern Oregon.
Jul 13, 2020
Created 'Rugged Coast'
Canadian coastline.
Jul 9, 2020
Created 'Fireside'
Setting by the camp fire.
Jul 8, 2020
Created 'All Dried Up'
Old wind mill in western Washington.
Apr 20, 2020
Commented on 'Sand Castle Surfing 2'
Apr 20, 2020
Commented on 'Wizard Island'
"Thanks Everyone!"
Mar 17, 2020
Marked 'Chinese Lantern flowers' as a favourite
Oct 10, 2019
"Thank you for all your Great comments Maureen Gleeson"
Aug 8, 2019
Commented on 'Winter Driving'
"Thanks you all!"
Aug 8, 2019
Commented on 'End of the Road'
"Yep, nothing for miles and miles!"
Aug 8, 2019
Commented on 'Alone on the Beach'
"Thank you!"
Aug 8, 2019
Commented on 'Beautiful Spring'
"Thanks A.J. and Maureen!"
Aug 6, 2019
Commented on 'Desert Wildflowers'
"Clearly not your cup of tea ({B}WheelOfTheLaw{B}!!"
Jun 28, 2019
Marked 'Lake Louise Panorama' as a favourite
Jun 28, 2019
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
Jun 28, 2019
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Jun 28, 2019
Rated 'Poppy Field'
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Jun 28, 2019
Marked 'Poppy Field' as a favourite
Jun 28, 2019
Commented on 'Hiking Mt.Rainier'
"Glad you like it :)"
Jun 28, 2019
Commented on 'Sunbrella'
"Thanks :)"
Jun 24, 2019
Commented on 'Idaho Highlands'
"Thank you!"
Jun 21, 2019
Commented on 'Saguaro National Park'
Jun 21, 2019
Commented on 'Desert Wildflowers'
"Thanks Maureen!"
Showing the most recent 25 submissions.
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