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Richard Ericksen
member since August 2012
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Aug 19, 2012
Japanese people walk below a canopy of blossoming Cherry Trees.
Aug 19, 2012
Several Cherry trees in full bloom in Japan. Hanami.
Aug 19, 2012
A view from a balcony in a Japanese city. Lovely flowering Cherry Tree in the foreground.
Aug 19, 2012
Statuettes in an underground Buddhist temple in Japan.
Aug 19, 2012
A detailed photo of the trim on a temple in Japan. Intricate sculptures of dragons and Japanese signs are seen in this picture.
Aug 19, 2012
A beautiful row of Cherry trees in blossom on one side of the landscape. Coniferous trees on the other side.
Aug 19, 2012
In Japan, wishes for well being are tied to the strings in temples.
Aug 19, 2012
Beautiful picture of a giant tree in a temple in Japan. Nature preserved.
Aug 19, 2012
Valley picture of flowering Cherry trees in Tamashima Japan. Hanami is the Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers. This picture is one to help keep that tradition.
Aug 19, 2012
Hanami. Flowering Cherry treetops in Japan.
User Image
Aug 17, 2012
Richard Ericksen joined WallpaperFusion.

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