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WallpaperFusion Pro Member
member since October 2015
User Image
Oct 1, 2018
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 1, 2018
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 1, 2018
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Oct 1, 2018
Rated 'Wildflower'
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Oct 1, 2018
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 1, 2018
Rated 'Lonely Tree'
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 1, 2018
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 1, 2018
Rated 'Wild Daisies'
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Aug 28, 2018
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Aug 13, 2018
Commented on 'Thistle Bokeh Shot'
"Most thistles in the UK have purple / lilac flowers on top. This seems to be a verity called Echinops Ritro (Globe Thistle)... perhaps the flowers come later in the season?"
Aug 2, 2018
Marked 'Thistle Bokeh Shot' as a favourite
Aug 2, 2018
Commented on 'Thistle Bokeh Shot'
"Taken on a Samsung Galaxy S8"
Aug 2, 2018
Completed Puzzle 'Yosemite'
Aug 2, 2018
A close up of a Thistle with bokeh background, captured at Sale Water Park, Manchester, UK.
Apr 16, 2018
Rated 'Yosemite'
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 30, 2017
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Oct 3, 2017
Rated 'Franziskaner'
1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
Oct 3, 2017
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Oct 3, 2017
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Oct 3, 2017
Rated 'Architecture'
2 stars2 stars2 stars2 stars2 stars
Oct 3, 2017
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 3, 2017
Rated 'Na Pali'
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Oct 3, 2017
Rated 'Jury's Gap'
2 stars2 stars2 stars2 stars2 stars
Oct 3, 2017
Rated 'Ms. Liberty'
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Oct 3, 2017
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Sep 30, 2017
Commented on 'Cityscapes'
"I've been using this wallpaper for a few years now and I've only just noticed on the "photo-stitching" twins walking down the steps on the far left :oD (only visible on the quad monitor version)."
Jul 23, 2017
Rated 'Tank'
3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars3 stars
Jul 23, 2017
Completed Puzzle 'Tank'
May 1, 2017
2 stars2 stars2 stars2 stars2 stars
May 1, 2017
Rated 'The Spider'
1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
Apr 30, 2017
Rated 'Old Barn'
4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars
Oct 28, 2016
"The colours (colors :o) are so vivid! What camera are you using Keith?"
Oct 24, 2016
"Great work! Now I must google tilt-shift! Was this photo captured with a drone?"
Oct 24, 2016
Commented on 'Balloon Over a Field'
"Fantastic photo Keith - where abouts was is taken please?"
Oct 24, 2016
Marked 'Balloon Over a Field' as a favourite
Oct 24, 2016
Marked 'Glass Twist' as a favourite
Oct 21, 2016
Marked 'Montaimont. Savoie, France' as a favourite
Oct 21, 2016
Marked 'Grand Canyon Overlook' as a favourite
Oct 21, 2016
Marked 'Mont Blanc' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Commented on 'Bokeh'
"This is one of my favorite computer generated wallpapers - I'm not usually a fan but this great :o)"
Jun 10, 2016
Commented on 'Mountain Panorama'
"A fabulous panorama - well done!"
Jun 10, 2016
"A great panorama - lovely sharp details!"
Jun 10, 2016
Commented on 'Raised Wood Panels'
"Reminds me of the wall textures in Wolfenstein 3D :o)"
Jun 10, 2016
Commented on 'Pink Flowers'
"A lovely wallpaper. On quad monitor setups; the far right is a little empty."
Jun 10, 2016
"What a fantastic vista!"
Jun 10, 2016
Commented on 'Porto City in night'
"Very pretty - Beautiful detail on the bridge but a little blurry on the left hand side"
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Salzburg' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Martian Landscape' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Rome Skyline' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Viaduc de Millau Panorama' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Florence' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Seattle Lake' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'L'Agulhas Harbour' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Theodor-Heuss Bridge' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Pont de Brooklyn de Nuit' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Mountain View' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Apollo 11' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Mont Blanc' as a favourite
Jun 10, 2016
Marked 'Highway 7' as a favourite
Showing the most recent 25 puzzle completions.
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User Image
Oct 21, 2015
Toff joined WallpaperFusion.

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