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Base64 Decoder

Decode a Base64 string to either a string or binary file. No app to download, quick and easy online.

Base64 Encoder

Encode text or a file to a base64 string. No app to download, quick and easy online.


Say goodbye to manually reviewing your email notifications! CheckCentral monitors your notifications for you, and will let you know when something needs your attention.


ClipboardFusion makes it easy to remove clipboard text formatting, replace clipboard text or run powerful macros on your clipboard contents! You can even sync your clipboard with other computers and mobile devices.


Turn any screen into a digital sign in minutes with CloudShow. Trusted by businesses worldwide, see how CloudShow can help your business today.

CloudShow Manager

Digital Signage Made Easy


DisplayFusion will make your multi-monitor life much easier! With powerful features like Multi-Monitor Taskbars, TitleBar Buttons and fully customizable HotKeys, DisplayFusion will make managing your multiple monitors easy.


FileSeek is an easy-to-use file search app that includes advanced functionality for power users! Search through files using simple queries or regular expressions. You can even sync your search settings between computers.


HashTools computes and checks hashes with just one click! Supports CRC32, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 and SFV's, as well as integration into the Windows Explorer context menu for one-click access.

HTML Decoder

HTML decode a string. No app to download, quick and easy online.

HTML Encoder

HTML encode a string. No app to download, quick and easy online.

JSON Pretty Print

Format minified JSON into something readable. No app to download, quick and easy online.

JSON to XML Converter

Convert JSON to XML. No app to download, quick and easy online.


LogFusion is a powerful realtime log monitoring application designed for system administrators and developers! Use custom highlighting rules, filtering and more. You can even sync your LogFusion settings between computers.

Notepad Replacer

Do you use a Notepad alternative, like Notepad++ or Notepad2? Notepad Replacer will allow you to replace the default Windows version of Notepad with whatever alternative you would like to use.


Email files quickly and easily from the command line.


TrayStatus shows you the status of keyboard keys like Caps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll Lock, Alt, Ctrl, and more, right in your system tray.

URL Decoder

URL decode a string. No app to download, quick and easy online.

URL Encoder

URL encode a string. No app to download, quick and easy online.


VoiceBot lets you take command with your voice! Say commands out loud to send actions to your games and applications. Use your voice to type keyboard shortcuts, click and move your mouse, and execute macros and scripts.


The best multi-monitor and Eyefinity wallpaper images, all in one place! Thousands of hand-picked images, ready for your mobile device or multi-monitor computer.

Window Inspector

View the window class, text, properties, and more, simply by moving your mouse cursor over the target window.

XML Pretty Print

Format XML into something readable. No app to download, quick and easy online.

XML to JSON Converter

Convert XML to JSON. No app to download, quick and easy online.
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